Magento 1

Quantity Box on Catalog Pages

Let your customers add all or selected products to cart in specified quantity easily
  • Your customers may specify at catalog page quantity of product they want to purchase and add specified quantity of products to cart
  • Customers may add all products from current products selection or only selected in specified quantity
  • You may disable bulk add to cart feature and keep quantity field only

$  59

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Email Price List Magento Extension

Send price lists to customers and dealers in one click and
  • Create Price List Templates: pick products, customers and send price list of selected products to specified recepeints only
  • Track Opens of price lists you send
  • Use different templates for products in price list: with price, sku, description or without it
  • Send Price Lists to multiple recepients and no worry about performance, extension is optimized to send large amount of emails

$  69

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Call Me Back Form

This easy to use recent extension allows you to
  • Place Call Me Back form on your web-site and receive requests from your customers and web-site visitors
  • View history of requests in administration panel
  • Process requests in administration panel, assign comments to each request after performed action
  • Receive email notifications about request to specified email addresses
  • And it's possible to receive requests to your phone via SMS.

$  49

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Direct Add To Cart and Checkout Links

Using this simple extension
  • You may place "Add To Cart" links on third party web-sites: facebook, twitter, pinterest etc
  • You may bring customer right to checkout step after adding product to cart and skip "Cart Overview" step

$  49

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Cron Jobs Log and Scheduler

Stop wasting time on querying database to determine how cron jobs work - View log of cron jobs inside magento admin panel in a few clicks
  • View cron jobs
  • Restart pending cron-jobs
  • Be on track on how cron jobs work easily

$  29

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Tasks On Customers

Create multiple tasks related to your customers and assign responsible among your company staff and
  • View tasks by customer, responsible, priority, task type and status
  • Easily add new task statuses, types and priorities right from module settings page
  • Be on track of customers related tasks in your store

$  69

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SMS To Customers And Staff

With this extension you can send SMS to your customers and employees right from magento backend
  • Send Bulk SMS to selected customers or orders
  • Send "Thank You" SMS automatically to customer on new order
  • Get notifications about new order via SMS: you may specify your own template of sms you'd like to receive
  • Send SMS via popular SMS gateways like twillio, bulksms, clickatell and more

$  59

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