Awesome Subcategories

$ 29 - Buy Now

Must have extension to show subcategories of your e-commerce store in beautiful and attractive manner


  • Custom placementSubcategories are shown automatically based on your existing data
  • You can place subcategories above product list or wherever you want in your template and more

Additional Features

  • You can customize styles of subcategories per each your store view
  • Adjust StyleAlso you can show or hide subcategories  depending on store view

Tips and Tricks

  • How to put subcategories list in cms block?
    Use this code {{block type=”masawesomesubcategories/view” template=”mas_masawesomesubcategories/sub.phtml”}} to show subcategories of current category
  • Where to edit template of subcategories block?
    You can edit it at app\design\frontend\base\default\template\mas_masawesomesubcategories\sub.phtml
  • Where to edit styles of subcategories block?
    You can find css file here skin\frontend\base\default\css\mas_awesomesubcategories\mas_awesomesubcategories.css