Product Notes and Comments

$ 59 - Buy Now

Leave personal comments on product on product edit page and choose which ones should be displayed to customers


  • Add unlimited amount of comments per product on product edit page
  • Add comment to specific product or to product selection
  • Update and delete product notes easily
  • Track updates history
  • Show chosen notes to customers on product view page

Display Features

  • Show list of product notes or comments in sidebar or description
  • Show list of product notes in custom place in your product view template
  • Show list of product notes in cms block or page

Additional features

  • Full Multistore support. You can leave separate notes to product depending on store view
  • You can manage all notes on products in separate grid in admin area


  • Organize history of product notes easily
  • Show important notes to customers
  • Attach notes to multiple products at once, no need to add note product by product