Product Files

$ 39 - Buy Now

Attach files and links to your products and let customers download them


  • Upload unlimited amount of files to your products
  • Attach uploaded file or link to all products or specific ones
  • View list of files attached to product right on product edit page in backend
  • Track downloads for uploaded files or links opens
  • Attach links to files in your dropbox, box and google drive cloud storages
  • Increase search engines optimization of your store by placing custom comment below link to product files
  • NEW. Allow specific files to be downloaded or opened by logged in customers or customers from specific groups only

Display Features

  • Show list of product files in sidebar or description
  • Show list of product files in custom place in your product view template
  • Show list of files for specific product in cms block or page


  • Get more visitors via search engines that are looking for specific files
  • Increase confidence of your customers that they buy right product from professional supplier
  • Attach and de-attach files to products in seconds

Tips and tricks

How to show files attached to specific product in CMS page/block?

Use the following code
{{block type=”masfile/file” template=”mas_masfile/block.phtml” product_id=”27″ title=”Useful information about extension”}}, where product_id – id of product and title – title, to be shwon above products list.

How to show list of product files in product view template?

Use the following code

                ->createBlock('masfile/file', 'masproductfiles')
                ->setData(array('title' => 'Related Documentation'))

and put it in product view template, usually at app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/view.phtml

One Review

  1. All of the free options of this kind of extension fell short of what I needed. This works great and support was fast and helpful.