Products on Map

$ 49 - Buy Now

Show product origin or location on map. Works well for travel, food and drinks stores.



  • Right after installation you can specify geo latitude and longitude on product edit page
  • After that – on product detail page map with product location will be displayed
  • You can show map in product description section or in sidebar and define custom title for this block!

Additional Features


  • You can show all products that have defined geo locations on separate map
  • Click on marker will open balloon that contains product name, price and link to product detail page
  • Pay your attention that balloon contents depends on product attributes!
  • Use custom icon to brand your products on map
  • NEW! Now your customers may add products to cart, wishlist or compare instantly right from product baloon.

Would you like to show map with products on home or any cms page or static block?

It’s easy! Embed the following snippet into cms page or static block and that’s it, now map with products is displayed!
{{block type="masproductsmap/map" template="mas_masproductsmap/map.phtml"}}

Use Cases

Extension is used by the following store types:

  • Travel Stores
  • Wines Stores
  • Food Stores
  • Tour Stores and more

3 Reviews

  1. This extension fitted my project like a velvet gloove, exactly what I needed and the support is always avaliable. Usefull for the ones who need geoposition.

  2. The developer was nice enough to do a custom request for me and I am much appreciated. This plugin works great on my site and was exactly what I wanted.

  3. Nice guy,
    Does great work and the app functions as described