Request a discount on product

$ 89 - Buy Now

Use this extension to process requests for a quotes or discount requests of your customers.


  • product-pageYour customers can send to your product related questions or proposals right from product edit page
  • You can get email notification about new request with link to request detail page in admin area
  • You can review all requests in admin area and reply to customers right from request detail page

Additional Features

  • admin-productEach product in admin has tab with list of all related requests and their statuses
  • Each customer in admin has tab with list of all related requests and their statuses
  • You can configure quick reply template and save your time on composing replies
  • You can show or hide not required fields from such forms like “phone”, “desired price”, “requested amount”.

Use Cases

  • admin-customerYou create request for quote form with required field on product view page.
  • Note, that you can show such form
    • only on selected products
    • all products
    • or as form on any cms page
  • Your customers send you request for quote on specific product right from product view page
  • You receive notification via email and new request is added into admin
  • You can review request and reply back to customer right from magento admin

As Result

  • admin-request-replyYou stimulate your customers to send request for quote to get better price
  • You increase sales and customer loyalty

Updates History

v 1.1 2015-02-13

  • Now it’s possible to create requests manually from admin when request is received over phone, email, skype or any sales channel for further processing

v 1.0 2014-03-23

  • Initial release, core features only