Sales History By Products And Customers

$ 49 - Buy Now

Easiest way to view products purchased by specific customer and customers that purchased specific product


  • Extension adds “Related Orders” tab to product edit page in backend, so you can easily view who, when and how much purchased this product and what’s the order status
  • Extension adds “Purchased Items” tab to customer view page in backend, so you can easily view the whole history of customer purchases in a few clicks


Additional Features

  • View order info or product right from history tab
  • Ability to re-order product related order in seconds


  • It’s huge time saving extension
  • View sales history of your customers and products in a few clicks

Updates History

v 1.1 2015-02-16

  • Now it’s possible to export products purchased by speicfic customer and customers purchased specific product

v 1.0 2014-06-23

  • Initial release, core features only