Product Tests and Reviews

$ 59 - Buy Now

Create seo optimized reviews and tests of products and increase customer confidence that you know what you sell

review-pageOf course, you know, that customers major part of customers read product tests and reviews before making a purchase. Why not to let them read detailed product tests on your web-site?

With “Product Tests and Reviews” you can do that easily


  • product-pageYou can create tests for products or services you sell
  • Split tests and reviews by categories. Instead of all the reviews in one big mix, you can categorize
    • computer reviews
    • smartphone reviews
    • and so on
  • You can attach multiple products to this content so you customers can see actual prices and availability status right from review page
  • Each test page has unique seo friendly url, keywords and description

Additional Features

  • You can use this extension not only for reviews and tests of your products, but also
    • to post related news and updates regarding products
    • as blog engine for your products and services
    • as knowledge base for your products and more
  • You can easily customize titles, meta information and links without editing templates and styles
  • Each test can has own layout, for example, 2 columns left, 3 columns etc
  • You can enable or disable facebook comments widget for specific test and more

Tips and Tricks

  • Where to edit tests list template?
    Template of tests list is located at app\design\frontend\base\default\template\mas_masreviews\review\list.phtml
  • Where to edit template of test page?
    Template of test page is located at app\design\frontend\base\default\template\mas_masreviews\review\view.phtml
  • Where to edit template related reviews on product page?
    Template of related tests is located at app\design\frontend\base\default\template\mas_masreviews\catalog\product\list\review.phtml if tests are displayed in product description and at app\design\frontend\base\default\template\mas_masreviews\catalog\product\list\sidebar.phtml if in sidebar

Updates History

v 1.5 2014-09-15

  • Split reviews by categories: “Electronics”, “Women Fashion”, “Kids Toys” etc

v 1.1 2014-05-10

  • Improved Performance and bug-fix

v 1.0 2014-01-19

  • Initial release, core features only