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Now your customers may download files you attached to their ordersLet your b2b and wholesale customers view products like spreadsheet, no images, no description, only required information: name, price, msrp and add to cart buttonConfigure access to price lists, docs, guides only to allowed customers or dealers with the following features
- Document can be download by anyone or with additional password protection
- Only customers or dealers from specific customer group may access to files
- List of allowed files may be displayed on cms page and customer dashboard page
- Know who and when downloaded price list or documentation you shared
With this extension you can send SMS to your customer on placing new order and receive notification about new order automatically
- Complete multi store support - customers receive sms depending on store where they placed order
- Send notification to all store managers and not only to yourself
- White-List specific countries to send sms to
- Increase loyalty and confidence of your customers that you take care of their orders
With this extension your customers can add notes on orders easily and your store managers may reply them back with email notifications to customers and store managers about new or updated comments
- View notes on orders in separate tab at order view page
- Display some comments to customer on his or her customer dashboard page at order info page
- View list of all notes added to customers by specific manager
- Assign notes to multiple orders at once
- Get email notification once note to order was added b customer
- Email notification is sent to customer once note allowed to be viewed at order view page by customer is created
Let your customers add products to cart from CSV file and save huge amount of time
- Simple and Configurables may be add to cart via CSV
- Anonymous customers or registered only may add products to cart from CSV
- Your customers need to know SKU of your products only!
Send price lists to customers and dealers in one click and
- Create Price List Templates: pick products, customers and send price list of selected products to specified recepeints only
- Track Opens of price lists you send
- Use different templates for products in price list: with price, sku, description or without it
- Send Price Lists to multiple recepients and no worry about performance, extension is optimized to send large amount of emails