SMS To Customers And Staff

$ 59 - Buy Now

Send SMS to multiple customers or anyone in a few clicks directly from administration area.

Send Bulk SMS to Customers

  • Send SMS to your customer right from customer edit or order view page
  • It’s easy to send the same SMS to multiple customers – just pick customers or their orders and select in mass action dropdown “send sms”
  • View history of all sms sent to customer in tab right on customer edit page
  • View history of all sms related to specific order right in tab on order view page
  • Ability to recend FAILED sms to customers right from Magento Admin

Get Notification about new Order and send “Thank you” SMS to customers after order automatically

  • You may specify set of phone numbers, SMS template and extension will send SMS to specified phone numbers with information about new order right after its placement
  • Also you may send “Thank you” or “Confirmation SMS” to customer right after his order automatically as well with required contact or help information

Increase Level of Customer Service and Customer Loyalty

  • With this extension you may ask for feedback on order, notify customer about changes in orders and keep his confidence that his order in the right hands
  • Send PROMO SMS to customers with interesting information about new products, services or changes

Abilit yo integrate any SMS provider to send SMS from

  • Currently our extension supports Twillio, Clickatell, Bulksms, Vianett, Mainsms and Bytehand SMS providers and we add new providers periodically
  • Can’t find SMS provider you’re using? Don’t worries, please send us its name to and we will review ability to integrate our extension with your sms gateway

Sending high volume of sms is available

  • Extension is used built-in magento cron to schedule and send sms messages to large list of recepients and reduce load on your magento

Updates History

v 1.0 2014-19-07

  • Initial release. Core features.
  • Support of 6 SMS gateways: Twillio, Bulksms, Clickatell, Bytehand, Mainsms an Vianett