Email Price List Magento Extension

$ 69 - Buy Now

Send beautiful pre-generated price lists to multiple customers or dealers in one click

Create Beatiful Price Lists in seconds

All you need to send price list of products you sell you need

  • Specify email subject, body , recepients
  • Pick products to be included in email
  • And pick recepients among your customers
  • That’s it! Email is on the way to your customers.

Create templates of price lists and use them to send targetted price lists periodically

  • For example, you may create price list template with products from Cell Phones category and send each monday price list with products only from this category to already defined recepients, i.e. your dealers or customers from specific group
  • You may send price lists one by one or use bulk sending. Each price list may be pre-viewed by sending it to you only first

Create custom representation of products in price list

  • Each price list template may have one template for products list, i.e. without SKU, Price or description, but with some additional information: all this can be achieved, just let me know your requirements on this

Each product can be added directly to cart right from price list

  • Recepients of your price list can add interesting products to cart directly without to visiting product detail page. So this extension reduce amount of steps for your customers to purchase your products

Extension is optimized to send email to multiple recepients

  • Extension is used built-in magento cron to schedule and send emails to large list of recepients and reduce load on your server

Add all products from email to cart in one click

If you have my Direct Add to Cart and Checkout extension your customers or dealers may add all products to cart in one click

To provide this feature add the following snippet in price list template

{{block type="masemailpricelist/add" name="pricelist.add" template="mas_masemailpricelist/add.phtml"}}


Updates History

v 1.12014-12-09

  • Add all products from email to cart

v 1.02014-19-09

  • Initial release. Core features.
  • Track opens of price list, add product to cart right from email
  • Templates of emails, bulk sending of emails


Dear Magento users, please whitelist the masemailpricelist/list block via System > Permissions > Blocks to make it work properly.

2 Reviews

  1. The extension is working excellent. You can build a really good mailing system with it…. It works just as described. The developer was also very fast to respond to some of my questions about extending this extension.

  2. This product delivers exactly what it says. Works like a charm. Support is very quick and exellent. Highly recommended.