Price List View

$ 49 - Buy Now

Let your wholesale and b2b customers view products as price list



  • Customers may see products as price list: only product name, price, msrp and add to cart link
  • It’s possible to show other product options in this list
  • You may enable this feature or disable it per store view
  • You may define view as price list label directly from extension settings

Would you like to let customers select some products on this list and add to order in one click?

Please consider my yet another extension that allows magento to add multiple product to cart in different quality at once.
These extensions are fully compatible.

Updates History

v 1.0 2015-09-05

  • Initial release, core features only

Do you want to get free installation?

It’s easy, just drop me a line to after your purchase with ftp and magento credentials.
I will install all extensions from your order for you for free.