Add Products To Cart From CSV File

$ 39 - Buy Now

Let your customers or dealers add products to cart from CSV or Excel file and spend less time on purchasing products from you

Save time of your customers/dealers

Very often dealers and customers that purchase a lot of products from your store need way to quickly add huge amount products to cart. By default they should add one product by one browsing your store, categories, using search etc. These actions take too much time. Now it’s time to save time of your customers cause you just discovered Add Products To Cart From CSV file magento extension.

Core benefits of extension

  • Your customers or dealers may create CSV file offline in their spreedsheets software and add selected products to cart in one click through uploading CSV file
  • Customers may specify also Quantity per each product they want to add
  • This extension reduce time on making purchase in your store for dealers or wholesalers dramatically and they will say Thank you for great customer service


What if something goes wrong during adding product to cart?

  • In case if customer requests more product that store has in stock – appropriate warning will be shown to customer so he may correct quantity he want to purchase

How to show Add Products To Cart from on CMS Page?

It’s simple, use the following snippet:
{{block type="mascartaddcsv/add" template="mas_mascartaddcsv/add.phtml" name="csvaddtocart"}}

Updates History

v 1.0 2014-09-30

  • Initial release. Core features.