Direct Add To Cart and Checkout Links

$ 49 - Buy Now

Perfect way to get direct “add to cart” link for any product and proceed right to checkout by skipping “cart overview” step


Get Direct “Add To Cart” Link for any product

  • As you may know, magento doesn’t allow to post direct “add to cart” links on separate web-sites. This extension allows you to do that!
  • It doesn’t hack or change core files, it’s built based on magento guideline.

Skip “Cart Overview” Step

  • This extension also provides add to links that add product to cart and bring customer right to checkout step without required step to view “Cart Contents”
  • Reduce amount of steps you customer have to perform to purchase your products
  • You may add any product to cart and proceed to checkout. Just use this snippet to get direct checkout url for product – <?php echo Mage::helper(‘mascartdirect’)->getCheckoutLink()?>

Updates History

v 1.1 2015-01-11

  • Now you may clear cart content before adding item to cart. Just change on setting in module settings

v 1.0 2014-09-11

  • Initial release. Core features.

3 Reviews

  1. Alex’s support is very good. Was also available to answer nontrivial questions.
    I recommend the extension very much.

  2. Excellent Plugin and great support from the developer. Highly recommend it.

  3. Alex is a great developer and even greater supporter… I had a feature request and because he thought that it would be a great feature for his extension he implemented this within a few days and delivered a new version.