Magento 2

Send Email To Customers in Magento 2

With this extension you can send emails to your customers right from magento backend
  • You can send emails right from orders grid to multiple recepients
  • You can send emails right from customers grid to multiple recepients
  • You can filter send emails by recepient, subject, order no in backend
  • Each email can contains personal information about customer and his or her order
  • As a bonus, you can send emails not only to your customers, but also for everyone from your magento 2 admin area

$  69

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Sales History by Products and Customers

With this extension you can view history of customer purchases and product purchased right from customer or product edit pages
  • View customers purchased right from "Purchased Items" tab on customer edit page
  • View list of orders and customers, where product is rith from "Related Orders" tab on product edit page
  • View order or product information in a one click

$  79

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Notes On Orders For Magento 2

Core features of this extension:
  • Customer: Final comment field at checkout step
  • Customer: List of order comments at order view page with ability to add note to order after checkout
  • Customer: Email notification about new note on his order
  • Manager: New tab at order view page where manager may add internal (not visible notes to customer) or notes available to customer
  • Manager: Email notification about comment to order from customer

$  99

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Add Products To Cart From CSV File for Magento 2

Let your customers add products to cart from CSV file and save huge amount of time
  • Your customers need to know SKU of your products only!
  • In case of any issues during adding items to cart customer will be notified about them

$  49

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Quantity Box on Catalog Pages for Magento 2

Let your customers add selected products to cart in specified quantity easily
  • Your customers may specify at catalog page quantity of product they want to purchase and add specified quantity of products to cart
  • Extensions allows configurables to be added to cart in selected configuration right from catalog pages

$  59

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