Send Emails To Customers

Magento 2 / Send bulk emails to customers and not only easily



/1 Send Emails

Send emails right from the orders or customers grid

/2 Manage Templates

Create templates with variables to send emails with order or customer related info

/3 View history of emails

Track conversation history related to order or customer

Admin Credentials

Manage Templates

Create and Use Templates

  • To send  order and customer related emails.
  • Create variable based email templates! Variables will be replaced with real customer / order values on sending!
  • Extension works with your current email provider and use queue for better performance and delivery.

Filter Emails history

View history of emails

  • Sent to specific customer or order.
  • Manage list of outcoming emails and filter them by various fields



Speed up your workflow

Bulk send templated based emails

Send mass email messages to customers or orders they placed in a few clicks

Send Email from admin panel

Free form email

Select available template or send free form email to selected recepients.

Looking for specific features?

We are ready to customize this extension for you

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  • Create custom breadcrumbs structure per each landing page
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