Magento 2

Call Me Back Form For Magento 2

This useful extension allows you to
  • Place Call Me Back form on your web-site and receive requests from your customers and web-site visitors
  • View history of requests in administration panel
  • Process requests in administration panel, assign comments to each request after performed action
  • Receive email notifications about request to specified email addresses
  • Extension also adds "call me back" button at product view page so customers may contact you before adding it to cart and clarify important questions

$  69

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Direct Add To Cart and Checkout Links For Magento 2

Using this simple extension
  • You may place "Add To Cart" links on third party web-sites: facebook, twitter, pinterest etc
  • You may bring customer right to checkout step after adding product to cart and skip "Cart Overview" step

$  69

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Notes On Customers For Magento 2

With this extension you can add and manage notes on your customers and
  • View notes about customer on customer edit page and any order related to this customer
  • Display some comments to customer on his or her customer dashboard page
  • View list of all notes added to customers by specific manager

$  99

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My Ordered Products for Magento 2

With this extension your customer can view list of previously purchased products and
  • Add product to cart in the same configuration as product was purchased
  • Full support of simple, configurable, bundle and grouped products

$  69

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