View and manage requests you receive from your customers through Magento 2 contact form and
- Configure auto-reply email to customer
- Set custom status per each request
- Let managers specify custom comment per request
Let your customers view more products in your store without clicking on pagination links
View our awesome demo here
- Assign customer to sales manager to let him manage further orders of customer
- View as admin user performance related to customer engagement / orders completion on per sales manager basis
- Let customer see sales manager details in storefront
With this extension you can send SMS to your customers and employees right from magento backend
- Send Bulk SMS to selected customers or orders
- Filter sms by recepient, order no, customer and more
With this extension you can attach unlimited amount of files and links to your products and
- Upload common files and product specific files
- Mange files attached to product or add new one right from product edit page
- Upload product icons or use pre-defined custom icons that will identify file type
- Track downloads, enable or disable file, specify order of files on product view page and much more
With this extension you can process customer orders faster cause you can create pre-defined comments for
- Orders notifications for specific store view
- Invoices notifications for specific store view
- Shipments notifications for specific store view
- Credit Memo notifications for specific store view
With this extension you can send emails to your customers right from magento backend
- You can send emails right from orders grid to multiple recepients
- You can send emails right from customers grid to multiple recepients
- You can filter send emails by recepient, subject, order no in backend
- Each email can contains personal information about customer and his or her order
- As a bonus, you can send emails not only to your customers, but also for everyone from your magento 2 admin area
With this extension you can view history of customer purchases and product purchased right from customer or product edit pages
- View customers purchased right from "Purchased Items" tab on customer edit page
- View list of orders and customers, where product is rith from "Related Orders" tab on product edit page
- View order or product information in a one click
This extension provides two simple but required features in Magento 2
- Move order to another customer from order view page
- Move all orders of specific customer to another one
Core features of this extension:
- Customer: Final comment field at checkout step
- Customer: List of order comments at order view page with ability to add note to order after checkout
- Customer: Email notification about new note on his order
- Manager: New tab at order view page where manager may add internal (not visible notes to customer) or notes available to customer
- Manager: Email notification about comment to order from customer