Call Me Back Form For Magento 2

$ 69 - Buy Now

Get “Call Me Back” requests from your customers to specified emails and process requests in administration area

General Features

  • Embed Call Me Back or Request a Call Back form on your web-site
  • Receive Call Back requests from visitors and customers of your store
  • View History of Requests in Magento admin
  • Get Email notification about each request


Easy to adapt extension for your theme and business processes

  • You may specify fields that should be shown and be required on Call Me Back Form
  • You may choose in settings colors for form background, overlay background and sticker to match your store theme
  • You may split call back requests by custom statuses that you may create in module settings


It’s flexible extension cause it can be used for

  • Receiving call me or email me back requests
  • Receiving questions and proposals from your visitors and customers
  • Contact Us extension with ability to view list of requests in admin


Tips and Tricks

  • How to call “Call Me Back” from anywhere on page? Call Me Back form may be opened via JavaScript call i.e. on button or link click having class .makarovsoft-callback-modal-open