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Products on Map

With this extension you can show to your customers origin of your products on map. Works well for travel, food and drinks e-stores.
  • Show product location on map on product page
  • Create SEO optimized page, like "our-products-on-map.html" that shows all products with defined geo coordinates on map
  • Click on product marker opens balloon with product name, price and link to product detail page
  • Your can use your own icon for product on map to personalize your store

$  49

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Product Tests and Reviews

With this extension you can create unlimited amount of tests and reviews for products you sell and improve customers confidence that they buy right products.
  • Create reviews and tests of your products
  • Attach multiple products from your store to test or review and compare their pros a cons
  • Display reviewed products with current price, so customers can add products to cart right from review page
  • Tests page are seo optimized pages with ability to define custom meta title, seo description and seo friendly url
  • Your customers can read reviews right from product detail page
  • Customers can comment and discuss tests via facebook comments engine

$  59

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Awesome Subcategories

Improve Usability of your web-store and show categories of your web-store in handsome and beatiful manner:
  • Show subcategories of each category automatically without editing template or layout
  • No need to upload new images for categories, previous ones will be used
  • Easy to style and customize extension for your theme
  • Ability to place list of subcategories directly in template

$  29

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Product Categories

With this extension you can show on product page list of categories to which product is assigned and this allows to
  • Improve confidence of your customers that they buy right product, for example, when you sell parts and product categories are names of compatible devices or products
  • Increase Search Engines opimization of your store - you can show not only category name, but also category description
  • Hide some categories from list of product categories if you don't want to display their in list of available categories

$  29

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Product Features

Add product features, create descriptions, assign features to products to let your customers make decision faster and easier
  • Assign common and unique features to your product
  • Create SEO optimized page for each feature with description
  • Show products with the same features at separate seo optimized page
  • Upload beatiful feature badges and show them on product list or product view page
  • Show features in sidebar or in product description
  • Embed feature description in your cms pages via cms block code

$  59

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