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Let your customers add products to cart from CSV file and save huge amount of time
  • Your customers need to know SKU of your products only!
  • In case of any issues during adding items to cart customer will be notified about them

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With this extension you can view history of customer purchases and product purchased right from customer or product edit pages
  • View customers purchased right from "Purchased Items" tab on customer edit page
  • View list of orders and customers, where product is rith from "Related Orders" tab on product edit page
  • View order or product information in a one click

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With this extension you can add and manage notes on your customers and
  • View notes about customer on customer edit page and any order related to this customer
  • Display some comments to customer on his or her customer dashboard page
  • View list of all notes added to customers by specific manager

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Let your customers add selected products to cart in specified quantity easily
  • Your customers may specify at catalog page quantity of product they want to purchase and add specified quantity of products to cart
  • Extensions allows configurables to be added to cart in selected configuration right from catalog pages

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Now you and your customers may attach files to orders and you can discuss files with your customers
  • Store manager and customers can attach and download multiple files attached to order
  • Customer and Store Manager can discuss each attached file with handy email notification
  • Files can be uploaded and specified as URL to file in cloud storage
  • Store managers can post internal comments in regards to uploaded files and select only specific comments to be shown to customer

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Start accepting customer reviews to improve your customer service
  • Create as many criteria as you need
  • Accept and analyze customer feedback
  • Let potential customers know how existing customers estimate your work
  • Track and analyze customer's feedback to improve your business processes

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Using this simple extension
  • You may place "Add To Cart" links on third party web-sites: facebook, twitter, pinterest etc
  • You may bring customer right to checkout step after adding product to cart and skip "Cart Overview" step

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Cool extension for admin users to add products to order from CSV at order create page. Select CSV file with product SKUs and quantities to be added to order Upload File and Select Products to be added to order Hit Update Changes to add selected products to current order
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Now your customers may leave comment per each item in order and your store staff view them at order view page
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