Notes On Orders

$ 59 - Buy Now

Let your customer leave comments to orders in your store and your staff reply back via order view page.

This extension allows you to organize storage of comments on orders easily: your managers may leave comments on orders, specify visible notes to customer and if allowed customer may reply to comments from order view page in at order view page in his dashboard. Once customer adds comment to order – manager receives email notification and visa versa.

What can you do?

  • Store notes about orders in seconds
  • Add notes to order right from order view page
  • It’s possible to add notes to multiple orders at once, so you can easily add the same note to different orders
  • You can update and delete notes in seconds
  • Also your customers may view notes at order view page in their dashboard and reply to you back
  • Bonus: customers may leave comment on order during checkout

Advanced Features

  • You can enable displaying comments to customer, display only selected comments or disable this feature at all


  • Track history of orders comments and notes by different managers
  • View all comments assigned by specific manager
  • Keep in mind important info about orders
  • Share knowledge on orders between all managers

And combination with our similiar extension but for customers- Notes on Customers gives you more flexibility in storing and managing comments on your products and customers.

Updates History

v 1.4 2015-10-30

  • Customer may receive email notification when manager comments customer order
  • Managers may receive email notification when customer comments order


v 1.3 2015-09-06

  • Customers may add comment to order during checkout
  • Managers may view amount of order notes in sidebar at order view page

v 1.0 2014-10-06

  • Initial release, core features only

Do you want to get free installation?

It’s easy, just drop me a line to after your purchase with ftp and magento credentials.
I will install all extensions from your order for you for free.


Q: I don’t see comment field on checkout step. What can I do?

A: Open your app\design\frontend\base\default\template\checkout\onepage\agreements.phtml  and replace

<?php if (!$this->getAgreements()) return; ?>
<form action=”” id=”checkout-agreements” onsubmit=”return false;”>


<form action=”” id=”checkout-agreements” onsubmit=”return false;”>
<?php echo Mage::helper(‘masonotes/note’)->getCheckoutComment();?>


2 Reviews

  1. Excellent service provider! The module solves a lot of problems with orders and communication with the client.

  2. This extension works great and is well thought out. A box for the customer to write notes appears on the checkout page, as well as the view order pages. The notes are easily visible from the admin view order page as well.