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This useful extension allows you to
- Place Call Me Back form on your web-site and receive requests from your customers and web-site visitors
- View history of requests in administration panel
- Process requests in administration panel, assign comments to each request after performed action
- Receive email notifications about request to specified email addresses
- Extension also adds "call me back" button at product view page so customers may contact you before adding it to cart and clarify important questions
This easy to use recent extension allows you to
- Place Call Me Back form on your web-site and receive requests from your customers and web-site visitors
- View history of requests in administration panel
- Process requests in administration panel, assign comments to each request after performed action
- Receive email notifications about request to specified email addresses
- And it's possible to receive requests to your phone via SMS.
Create separate pages with your products selected manually or by conditions. Display images, text or content from cms blocks above and below products list.
- Improve your store seo - each page has unique url and meta information
- Choose products to show manually or by conditions, i.e. - only on-sale products
- Create as may landing pages as you want
- Show products selection on cms pages or above products category
- Increase sales conversion. Let your customers see exactly what they want