
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque.

Add Products To Cart From CSV File

Let your customers add products to cart from CSV file and save huge amount of time
  • Simple and Configurables may be add to cart via CSV
  • Anonymous customers or registered only may add products to cart from CSV
  • Your customers need to know SKU of your products only!

$  39

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Email Price List Magento Extension

Send price lists to customers and dealers in one click and
  • Create Price List Templates: pick products, customers and send price list of selected products to specified recepeints only
  • Track Opens of price lists you send
  • Use different templates for products in price list: with price, sku, description or without it
  • Send Price Lists to multiple recepients and no worry about performance, extension is optimized to send large amount of emails

$  69

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Call Me Back Form

This easy to use recent extension allows you to
  • Place Call Me Back form on your web-site and receive requests from your customers and web-site visitors
  • View history of requests in administration panel
  • Process requests in administration panel, assign comments to each request after performed action
  • Receive email notifications about request to specified email addresses
  • And it's possible to receive requests to your phone via SMS.

$  49

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Direct Add To Cart and Checkout Links

Using this simple extension
  • You may place "Add To Cart" links on third party web-sites: facebook, twitter, pinterest etc
  • You may bring customer right to checkout step after adding product to cart and skip "Cart Overview" step

$  49

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Cron Jobs Log and Scheduler

Stop wasting time on querying database to determine how cron jobs work - View log of cron jobs inside magento admin panel in a few clicks
  • View cron jobs
  • Restart pending cron-jobs
  • Be on track on how cron jobs work easily

$  29

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