Magento 2 Product Files And Attachments Extension

$ 69 - Buy Now

Attach files and links to your products and let customers download them

Using Magento 2 Product Files And Attachments extension you may

  • Attach files to your products: user guides, documents, various specifications, links to externally hosted files, i.e. on your dropbox account or somewhere in internet
  • Additionally you may attach files to category itself
  • Attach localized version of file depending on store view

And customers may

  • View attached files to products/categories and download these files with ease



  • Store owner may attach unlimited amount of files per product
  • If you need to attach one or more files to all products or set of products – it’s easy, you may just edit “related” products from file edit page and that’s it
  • The same way you may attach one or more files to categories – no neeed to upload files one by one


One Review

  1. it’s work very well

    You made a wonderful work